Segment Type Codes are a three-letter abbreviation that help to categorize your data.
If you choose to include segmentation in your import file, then your file MUST contain a column to map to the "SegmentTypeCode" field. Only the codes shown here are valid for segment import.
Segment Type | SegmentTypeCode
Description |
Single Ticket | STB | Patrons who purchased a ticket or admission to a single event, performance, museum, cultural facility, etc. This may also include free events. |
Flex / CYO | FLX | Patrons who purchased a flexible ticket package, such as vouchers, choose-your-own packages, etc. |
Subscription | SUB | Patrons who purchased a ticket package, typically to a single season, series, venue, etc. |
Membership | MEM | Patrons who purchased a membership granting admission or other benefits, generally for a year or season. |
Donation | DON | Patrons who made a charitable gift given to an organization or establishment, generally tax deductible. |
Do Not Mail | DNM | Patrons who do not want to be contacted via direct mail pieces. NOTE: All patrons in a DNM segment will be globally excluded from trading activity, regardless of what Organization houses the data in your community. |
Do Not Trade | DNT | Patrons who do not want their contact information to be traded with other organizations in the TRG Data Center. NOTE: All patrons in a DNM segment will be globally excluded from trading activity, regardless of what Organization houses the data in your community. |
Do Not Call | DNC | Patrons who do not want to be contacted via telephone. |
Do Not Email | DNE | Patrons who do not want to be contacted via email. |
Suppression | SUP | Patrons who do not want to be contacted via any channel or appear in trades. Only use this segment type for patrons who you never want to contact via any channel. NOTE: All patrons in a DNM segment will be globally excluded from trading activity, regardless of what Organization houses the data in your community. |
Class | CLA | Patrons who attended a workshop or class to learn a skill or gain knowledge of a particular subject matter. |
Education | EDU | Patrons who attended an educational event. Common examples include lectures, talk-backs, demonstrations, etc. |
Group Purchase | GRP | Patrons who attended as part of a bulk purchase of single tickets, subscriptions, memberships, etc., often at a discount. These purchases tend to be made by companies or clubs, or a large group of individuals together. |
Prospect | PRO | Prospective patrons who have inquired about a program or organization. Common uses include patrons who have requested information via website, email or phone, filled out an interest card, entered a raffle/drawing, etc. |
General | GEN | Patron lists that do not fit into an existing segment type. |
Admission | ADM | Patrons who purchased an admission to an event, museum, or other. |
All House | ALL | All patrons who purchased a ticket, admission, subscription or other and whose contact information belongs to your organization. |
Art Gallery | ART | Patrons who purchased entrance to an art gallery. |
Do Not Solicit | DNS | Patrons who do not want to be solicited. |
Mail Code | MAI | A group of patrons who received a specific mail code. |
Venue Rental | REN | Patrons who attended a performance or production that was part of a venue rental. |
Raffle | RFL | Patrons who participated in a raffle. |
Volunteer | VOL | Volunteers for an organization or special event. |
Email List | EMA | Group of patrons with email addresses. |
Survey | SUR | Group of patrons who may have participated in a survey or are survey responders. |
Comp | CMP | Patrons who attended an event with a complimentary ticket. |