Deeper Dive:
The Rhythm of Repeat Attendance Strategies to Combat Customer Churn

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Deeper Dive: The Rhythm of Repeat Attendance Strategies to Combat Customer Churn

In the performing arts sector, we excel at drawing new audiences to our venues to revel in our captivating performances and exhibitions.

However, as you may see within your own org, there is a serious gap when it comes to these patrons returning. It’s easy to label these guests as 'churned,' 'attrited,' or 'lapsed' because to us, it feels like there's been a break in our relationship with them if they miss a season.

But what if post-pandemic behavior patterns have shifted? What if it naturally takes longer for people to come back for their second or third visit? What if they still think they are engaged, and of your venue as their theatre, orchestra, ballet, opera, etc.?

Our latest research at TRG Arts reveals that first-timers might take as long as 18 to 24 months to return. During this period, they still consider themselves actively connected to your community. Delve into these questions and more with TRG Arts' own Eric Nelson and Kate Hagen as they share insights on how your messages and marketing can resonate deeply with these patrons, nurturing a bond that embraces their sense of connection.