It's How You Ask: 3 Effective Evolutions in Annual Fund Messaging

Its How You Ask: 3 Effective Evolutions in Annual Fund Messaging

During annual fund or membership campaign time, we know you’ve got your game face on. These are your deepest audience relationships, your donors, your advocates, your most ardent supporters. That’s why every year its crucial to get your messaging exactly right. TRG Arts partners with clients throughout the UK, US and Canada who are working through their annual fund messaging each year. We’d like to share with you our 3 findings on effective annual fund messaging from our work in the sector.

#1 Describe the Work that Donations Power

Donors deserve transparency. For many of them, giving is not just about making a monetary contribution but understanding the 'why' and 'how' their donations are making an impact. When it's time to send out your annual fund messaging, take time to describe in detail the work that these donations power.

A really great example of this is from a renewal letter our friends at Toronto Symphony Orchestra are sending out:

Linking the gift to the work not only gives donors a sense of accomplishment and a feeling of being part of something bigger, but it also keeps them invested in your cause. By seeing the direct correlation between their donation and the impact it makes, donors are more likely to continue supporting your cause in the future.

#2 Build and Define Your Case Statement

With challenging economic pressures and plenty of other philanthropic causes making requests from your prospective donors, it's essential to build and define your organization's case statement. Your annual fund campaign is an excellent opportunity to do just that.

How you communicate your values, mission, and impact directly influences how your organization is perceived by donors. Take the time before you craft your messages to reflect on your organization’s unique value proposition. What sets your organization apart from others in the same field? Why should donors choose to support you over others?

Check out an exemplar opening statement from a renewal letter sent by 2nd Stage in New York City:

Remember, donors are not just investing in your cause, but also the belief that your organization is the best vehicle to achieve the change they wish to see. Don't shy away from using emotional appeal and shared values to connect with your donors. Be consistent with your messaging across all platforms and communication materials. Consistency is key in building trust, and trust is the cornerstone of any long-lasting donor relationship.

#3 Make a Clear Ask

Lastly, when it comes to your annual fund campaign, be clear about your needs. Ambiguity can lead to inaction. Specify what you need the funds for, whether it's for a particular program, operational costs, or a new initiative and don't be afraid to communicate the urgency or the scale of need.

In our annual fund campaign work with clients, we encourage many organizations to suggest recurring donations instead of a one-time contribution. Annual renewal rates for monthly-recurring donors are often at 80% or higher, while the range for most renewing donors giving once annually ranges from 50-70%. Consistent giving provides your organization with a more predictable funding stream and can build to large sums over time.

Gratefully acknowledging the previous gift amount that each donor household contributed while also offering different levels of giving with associated impacts allows your donors to choose a donation level that fits their budget and gives them a clear picture of what their specific donation can do. If you are worried that asking too often for more money will prompt your patrons to stop giving, remember that a strategy based on a fear of attrition is not as sound a strategy based on proactive relationship building over time with your most committed patrons.

When it comes to your annual fund messaging, its how you ask. Remember to describe the impact, take the opportunity to build and reinforce your case statement, and make a clear call to action. With these 3 strategies, you can engage your donors on a deeper level, secure more funding, and better deliver on your organizational mission.

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