an audience claps

5 Things Data Center Can Do For You Today!

by Jenny Cohn

TRG’s Data Center is a cloud-based software built just for the arts and culture sector. It’s an incredibly valuable tool that is priced for any organization size. Here's our list of 5 things Data Center can do for you today!

1. Data Consolidation

Many organizations in our field use disparate systems that don’t talk to each other. Perhaps you have one system for development and one for ticketing, but never the twain shall meet. If these two systems don’t share data, it’s hard to get a complete picture of how your donors are engaging with your programming. As you may know, the stickiest patrons are those who engage in multiple ways, like purchasing tickets AND donating. In Data Center, you can import data from any system with a unique patron ID number. That includes all commercial CRM systems, plus services like EventBrite and even MailChimp.

2. Data Cleanliness

Your patron data is only useful if it’s up-to-date! Data Center includes NCOA – National Change of Address – updates. You can make sure the mailing addresses you have on file are current. This ensures you will reach your audiences while saving money on more efficient direct mail campaigns. According to the most recent census, about 29.8 million people reported living at a different residence in 2020 than they did in 2019. With that amount of migratory volume in your markets, clean data is worth its weight in gold.

3. Increase Revenue

Getting the right message across to the right segment of your database means one thing: improved conversion rates, which translates to more revenue! Data Center includes simple segmentation tools to help you tailor your communications to any measurable group within your database. Segmentation can seem overwhelming, especially if you haven’t done much of it in the past, so our advice is to pick one and start! Separate single ticket buyers from subscribers or focus on multi-buyers for your big upcoming season. Or maybe prioritize patrons who engaged with your organization virtually but haven’t returned to an in-person event yet. Data Center enables you to create a special message for each group of patrons to invite them the right way. Just be sure to track your response rate as it rises!

4. Reach New Audiences

New audience development is top-of-mind in our sector today. Every organization we talk to wants to regrow pipelines that dissipated during the pandemic and compensate for shifting demographics. A highlight of joining one of our 23 Data Center Community Networks is the ability to securely trade patron data! For example, if you’re an opera company planning a production of The Magic Flute, you might want to request Swan Lake single ticket buyers from the neighboring ballet company or a membership list from your local art museum. Once traded, those mailing addresses are added to your mailing list and sent directly to your mail house. Our studies show that if a person attends one arts event, they are three times more likely to attend another. We like those odds.

5. Analyze Your Patrons

Deeper understanding of your audiences is essential to crafting successful messaging strategy and stewarding your patrons as they become more loyal and more engaged with your organization. Data Center offers 48 different reports on patron demographics, geographic heatmaps, segment crossover, and so much more. Data Center isn’t just a marketing tool; patron analysis can inform your strategic decisions at all levels of your operation.

Data Center is brimming with possibilities for your organization. To find out more about pricing read Data Center Pricing and Tiers: Which license level is right for my organization? Once you’re ready, we invite you to schedule a free demo with one of our Client Success Managers. We can’t wait to see you unlock the power in your data.


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