
The Audience You Don’t Know You Have: 30% of New York Theatre Workshop’s Ticket Sales Sparked by Data Center Community Network

April 4, 2024
Andrew Cotlar by Andrew Cotlar

For an arts marketer wanting to grow an audience, how valuable would it be to know who the high-propensity arts visitors are in their community? Collaboration through Data Center Community Networks makes that very thing possible.

To showcase the impact of being able to find and market to this hidden audience all around you, we want to share a story from one of our Data Center Community Networks. New York Theatre Workshop (NYTW) has found that over 30% of ticket sales for their recent production of Merry Me, originated from patrons engaged through data trades within their community network!

NYTW’s journey is set against the backdrop of New York City’s vibrant cultural scene, and their Community Network is facilitated by TRG Arts Data Center in partnership with Theatre Development Fund. Community Networks like this one are thriving in over 30 communities across North America, serving as private, secure channels for arts organizations to exchange patron data. The premise is straightforward yet impactful: individuals who attend one arts venue have a higher likelihood of attending other arts venues, making them prime targets for marketing outreach. By sharing data securely and anonymously, organizations tap into a reservoir of potential audience members, unlocking opportunities for growth and diversification.

community network locations

Working with TRG Arts, NYTW wanted to dig deeper into how their marketing efforts were stacking up. On a response report examining their marketing efforts, they found that over 30% of ticket buyers for their recent production of Merry Me, came from households who had already attended other local arts and culture institutions. Translation? More than a third of the homes that received their direct mailer came from trade segments in TRG Arts Data Center. That invitation mailer sent to contacts acquired through their Community Network helped give NYTW the opportunity to welcome a new group of patrons who have the potential to become their future subscribers, donors, and advocates.

NYTW’s success story showcases the transformative power of community network data sharing. Through collective insight and secure collaboration, arts and culture organizations can forge deeper connections, enhance cultural participation, and foster a more interconnected, vibrant arts ecosystem locally.

A patron loyalty study conducted in partnership with TRG Arts, and the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance revealed that households visiting multiple arts organizations are more likely to be Advocates, comprising a small but revenue-generating segment of the community. Advocates, predominantly cultural omnivores, hold significant implications for community revenue. Enhanced collaboration and data sharing among organizations have the potential to boost overall engagement and loyalty. Notably, patrons engaged across various organizations tend to increase their commitment to favored groups. Sharing data can also aid in identifying lapsed patrons, many of whom remain active elsewhere in the community and are more likely to return if targeted effectively. This strategy presents a promising approach amid challenges in reaching new patrons, offering a potent tool for organizational growth and community engagement.

By participating in data sharing initiatives, you can not only contribute to the enrichment of the cultural landscape but also pave the way for substantial audience growth and engagement at your venue. If you would like to join or start a Data Center Community Network in your market, schedule a call! We invite you to become part of a more interconnected and flourishing arts community, where shared data becomes the cornerstone of collective success.

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